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We are running 1 day weight loss & motivation clinics.
We show you how to make your own plan for eating and exercising.
Contact: 086-8148459 for your nearest location and date
Price only €45
Topics covered:
>Fitness Assessment & Plan​
>Setting Goals & Achieving them
You will learn how to plan your meals in advance and even make your own lunch from scratch during the workshop. The whole group will complete a 2km walk, so dress accordingly. You will be required to sign an indemnity & medical declaration on arrival.​
Our unique teaching method and programme will ensure you get the right tools to change your life and your weight.
Membership to our training group gives you monthly follow ups, discounts on future events, as well access to the private area of our Facebook page, which is for members only. This is where we discuss more indept nutrition and exercise information as well as deals and discounts on other events, like our spinning and bootcamp sessions.
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